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24. Juni 2014 2 24 /06 /Juni /2014 16:35

Another verse in the manner of the first two, yet two 'stories' squeezed into a single verse:


a new motorbike
that ran smooth and fast
smashed its driver on a concrete wall
some old nasty crook
enjoys his old age
made millions by means that appall

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18. Juni 2014 3 18 /06 /Juni /2014 15:26

I think I'd mentioned some time before that I would write a 'philosophical' text about the human condition. It looks like it will come out not too philosophical but rather typical - for me ;-)


she was 22
consumed by lung cancer
she'd never smoked a single cigarette
she saw all her friends
to say her Good-Byes
said there was nothing she'd regret

some old nasty creep
a former chancellor
a bugger you would not want as your friend
revered by the media
as the wise old expert
a joke that does not find its end

some go too soon
some die too late
call it bad luck
or call it fate
it's all part of
the human state



I will have to smoothen the long lines, I guess. I keep varying the tune in my mind to make them fit but they don't seem to flow too well...

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14. Juni 2014 6 14 /06 /Juni /2014 12:47

I wrote two choruses because I was not happy with my first version. My first version:


the sun is out, the world is open to us [clumsy to sing, stress on the "to"]
see new things, let us travel far and wide [-2 syllables/notes]
why should we want to stay, this is not for the likes of us [clumsy to sing - tongue twister]       
do have some faith, I'm by your side [-1 syllable/note, might alternatively read "Baby, have some..."]


Although this version seemed to fit rather well it wouldn't go smoothly with the tune, so I wrote another:


the sun is out, the whole wide world is calling
to see new things we have to go our own way [-1, might be a little clumsy to sing]
nothing holds us back, and nothing that could make us stay
let's leave it all behind and run away [+1 syllable/note; no problem, though]


Much better. The second line might need a little rehearsing (compared to the tune there will have to be a little rest before "our").

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13. Juni 2014 5 13 /06 /Juni /2014 10:37

Remember, it's supposed to be about running away and have a summerly feel.


I've mainly collected synonyms for "running away", but I may actually leave it at "run away" after all because that phrase actually occurs in the Gibberish-singing that I received - two words less to come up with ;-)


run away
break away
get out; break out
be off
get off; make off; run off
let's go from here
let's walk away from here
let's run away from here

there's nothing holding us back
we are young, the sun is out
the world is open to us
don't be long in coming
(new) adventures are awaiting us

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12. Juni 2014 4 12 /06 /Juni /2014 13:14

Maybe I was wrong about producers after all. After "take off" I've received another tune that requires matching lyrics. And more are in the pipeline. Song #2 is supposed to have a summerly atmosphere and deal with 'making off' (I'll probably have to find a title that differs a little more from "take off").


I've also got the basic structure: verse, pre-chorus, chorus, verse, pre-chorus, chorus. That means I'll have to write four parts, two verses, a pre-chorus, and a chorus. I've only listened to the music once yet. I will decide which part I'll begin with when I'm a little more familiar with the tune. Normally, I write the chorus first.

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7. Juni 2014 6 07 /06 /Juni /2014 15:05

While I'm supposed to write for yet another producer* I completed "no knight tonight", a little lyrics project of my own that had been resting uncompleted for months. But that's not what I wanted to write about at all...


Well, aside from his tune Tobias sent me some sample lyrics that he likes and asked for something similar. Pop-music, pop-lyrics ;-) with some kind of "cheer-up" message: times have been hard, everything will be fine, you'll find the love of your life. Since I couldn't come up with anything new and original I exploited "nothing wrong with change", "pastures new", and a text I wrote for Katharina who I never heard from again called "light and carefree". The title will be "take off".



*my experience with - I tend to say 'so-called' - producers is that nothing comes of it. Most, if not all, are hobbyists anyway. Trying to 'make it' by producing songs for the internet is bound to fail. The same applies to musicians who try to base a career on internet postings. Without the backing of live performances and a solid fan base they won't make it.

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26. Mai 2014 1 26 /05 /Mai /2014 16:32

... written to match yet another tune by Hot Mama. I have only the chorus at the moment. Before working on the verses and the outro I'll check with Hot Mama if the subject and tendency are okay with them.


(and/but) now the world breaks down

'cause we've been chancing

our very lives

but we don't care [discarded: "and all future"]

we've had our share [moved: "but we don't care"]

yeah, we've had our share [modified: "'cause we've had our share"]


now the world breaks down

while we are dancing

our fears away

and we don't care

we've had our share

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29. April 2014 2 29 /04 /April /2014 13:43

While I was working on my backing tracks - basically just assembling the different guitar parts - I wrote lyrics as well during a break. Quick ones, that I called "Fury on the warpath". By the way, I have the impression that my spontaneous lyrics are often the better ones. Possibly, bacause I let my creativity flow without any restrictions (like having to match someone else's tune). Surfing the internet I now found that there are three Furies, so I'll make them plural before posting the lyrics on my homepage.


There is nothing much to say about the process of writing except that when I found that the lyrics should maybe have a little meaning as well I wrote a bridge ;-)


Have fun and beware of Furies!

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28. April 2014 1 28 /04 /April /2014 15:02

No, not really...

Three backing tracks are in the making. 2014-05 (composition #5 this year) I completed yesterday, including a solo. It's the first time I play slide guitar - I had bought a slide (also called bottleneck) the other day - and open G tuning so I could play it comfortably. All this track now lacks is the vocals. But before I can record them I need - well, lyrics ;-)


Two other backing tracks only consist of the guitar parts at the moment. You know, I love playing the guitar in spite of the fact that my playing skills are QUITE limited. Anyway, that's why my own compositions (if one can call it that) often begin with recording a guitar track. I don't like playing and editing the Midi parts - bass and drums - very much, so they come sometime later. Neither do I care much for the production part, except adding reverb to my vocals ;-) Makes me sound fuller better :-)


My plans for the next future: completing backing tracks #3 and #4. The former ones have become "where shall we end up" - by the way, this was the first time I actually could 'recycle' lyrics I had already written - and "lifelong pleasure". Then I will try to find fitting lyrics for the three songs - or write completely new ones as I often feel I have to do. Then think tunes INTO the backing tracks - well, actually this goes hand in hand with writing the lyrics or identifying matching ones. At last sing the songs and 'master' them (if one can call it that).


What are your plans?


Have fun,


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23. April 2014 3 23 /04 /April /2014 13:07

"Misfit" - not "no reason". "Misfit" lifts the mist of obscurity a little but the text remains vague enough (I love vague): WHAT exactly is wrong with 'you' remains unclear.


you tried to talk
you tried to explain
but all your efforts
were always in vain
when you looked in their eyes
when you tried to draw near
what you would see  [the verb "spot" was not quite fitting]

was this sparkle of fear


The bridge now goes:


but then,
why should you be the one to pay
why should you do yourself away
why should you take all the blame
why not simply change the game


A different rhyme pattern AABB so it stands out a bit more.


Have a good time

and watch out for weirdos!

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About This

  • : Lyrics in Progress
  • : I describe my ongoing lyrics writing projects. Where I get my ideas, how I match my words with other people's music, which little helpers I use...
  • Kontakt

